Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dear past Drew,

You and me have never had any natural talent, every speck of achievement you and I have in the world of illustration has been earned. Art does not come easy to us, and it probably never will. Luckily your learning disability did not stop you, it didn't matter much, hard work pays off. I am currently living in New York as a professional illustrator and a married man with no kids. I can sincerely say that this is probably the most enjoyable time of my life. It is with great urgency that you get down basics of human anatomy as quickly and effectively as possible that way it can be easier to draw your characters. Once you've got that down you can move on to working alongside other upstarting independent game designers in an attempt to create an enjoyable videogame. Your consistent envy and jealously of your classmates art is still your biggest crutch, do not allow work that isn't yours to impede progress on work that is. Keep drawing beyond belief.

- Future Drew

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