Sunday, September 22, 2013

Linda Navamuel_Statement Outline

 1. I didn't chose the artist life, i was born to do this. I always loved making art and i'm glad my parents are supportive or I wouldn't have believed in my art. I create because its my outlet in from reality,  there are no rules when it comes to art. When my work is going really well, i tend to become excited to finish it. Knowing that a work is coming along way better then how i imagined it makes me proud. This is a life style for me, my art does a better job explaining me then I can verbally.

2. Feminine, bold, innocent yet cheeky, experimental, happy accidents, unsure, trying to connect with something more that's within me. Fun, a lot of trial and errors, innovated, responsive. Girly, darker then it looks.  

 - What do you like best about what you do?
     I like creating works that create a response from the viewer, whether its positive or negative. The best when people give you they're idea on it, when they explain what they believe it means or their point of view. I love the process of creating a work, the fumbling between one idea and another; which at one point, i end up saying "f**k it" and going with a gut idea which ends up making an awesome satisfying piece.

- What do you mean when you say that a piece has turned out really well?
    I mean that the work i created come out better then the sketches that i created, that I made a work based on impulsive ideas. I didn't think to hard on the idea, that i was able to express more then I thought i could. Sometimes, doubt occurs when i'm creating a work, i become concerned that no one will understand or appreciate what i'm trying to create. When i create a work that is different, where my style has grown.

- Is there a pattern in your work?
  I believe theres a strong pattern of women, i guess due to the fact that i myself are a women. Material wise, my favorite martial to work with is watercolor, fine ink pens and color pencils. I love creating intricate line accompanied  by light transparent watercolors. I would say very often feminine, and dainty types of subjects.


  1. Your artwork makes me feel like an artist statement would involve saying that you enjoy expressing your feelings about women, being a women in different cultures and equality between sexes. I think the trials and errors of your work reflect trials and errors in your life and I think your not scared to take chances and try new things which comes across in your work.

  2. Your work is very illustrative and slightly whimsical in its style, though I do see a pattern of feminist, spiritual undertones. Every piece has a lot of detail, which gives each work its own personality, and it is as though the women in your works are all aware- not only of a higher power, but also of their own inner strength.

  3. I enjoy expressing my feelings and experiences about being a women, especially women in different cultures through my art. Exploring the truth about equality between sexes also interests me greatly and is something that I am passionate about in a fiery way. The trials and errors involved in creating my work has led me to be unafraid to take chances and try new things, and that empowerment translates to my art.
